The booklet for the seminar held in October 2017 and put together by Colin Richardson can be downloaded HERE.

The latest Club newsletter can be downloaded here: Ahoj July 2017

Secretary Statement 2017 Championship Show
Only a few days to go the first Cesky Terrier Championship Show at Nether
Whitacre Village Hall (Sunday 30th July)
The judge, Dr Gabriela Van Ruiten Hajnova is really looking forward to the
day and is pleased with her entry of 41 dogs making 42 entries.
Maria- Louise Clark has an entry of 17 dogs in the Special Award Classes.
Wendy, Megan and Jenny have been working hard to acquire all the special
Cesky Terrier merchandise that will be on sale on Sunday.
Catalogues will be available to purchase on the day if you have not already
ordered one. Good luck to all exhibitors.

Linda Burrage (Hon Secretary)



2016 - 17Points Thropy Winners

Puppy Points
Burrage’s Komidion Prima Donna of Sametova (103 points)

Adult Points
England & Burrage’s Ashleyheath’s Black Thunder (126 points)

Veteran Points
Burrage’s Vandell Sweet Song of Sametova (129 points)


Copyright 2024 Cesky Terrier Club

The Cesky Terrier Club

Information and news for the Cesky Terrier
