Three Counties 2017 - Judge Michelle Elizabeth Barnett

May I congratulate the Cesky terrier breeders and owners for the exhibits you entered under me today.All the exhibits were in superb condition, well muscled, fit and in excellent presentation.With such quality in abundance, I certainly had my work cut out.Making my final decisions a close call and no doubt these results will change place many times.throughout their show careers.

BEST OF BREED : TOBIJANSKI Mrs W Janski Ceskasson Blue Moon
 Best Dog :TOBIJANSKI Mrs W Janski Ceskasson Blue Moon
 Res Best Dog : TAYLOR Mrs P Janski Ossie Jones At Polede
 Best Bitch : SAMSON, Mr & Mrs G & S & SAMSON Ms J Shasgav Sound Of Silence
 Res Best Bitch : TOBIJANSKI Mrs W Janski Ultra Violet
 Best Puppy : SAMSON, Mr & Mrs G & S & SAMSON Ms J Shasgav Sound Of Silence


JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: TOBIJANSKI Mrs W Janski Promises Jones Lovely headed 14mth old youngster who was correct for type & balance. Pleased in outline, Correct topline, front & rear angulations.Moved out soundly with a brisk steady action.

PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: TAYLOR Mrs P Janski Ossie Jones At Polede Striking pale grey in super coat & condition who rising 3 years impressed for his correct breed type & head proportions Good eye & correct ear carriage Strong hindquarters with nice rise over the loin and good tail set, sound vigorous stride in profile covering the ring in harmony with his handler RBD

OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: TOBIJANSKI Mrs W Janski Ceskasson Blue Moon Most impressive this 6 yr old handsome male presented a picture of type & balance, Super head of correct proportions, nice eye & ear, strong bite & good dentition. Strength of neck & good lay of shoulder Correct bone, feet & well sprung rib Good rear angulations, enabling powerful accurate ground covering movement he covered the ring with drive style. Pulled out all the stops to secure 1st in a strong class and take BD & BOB 2nd: BURROWS Mr R A & Mrs S Pendevour Pierrot Sh.CM Top quality 8yr old dog, in fabulous coat & condition.Excellent head shape, ear set & scissor bite, Strong but elegant neck set in correct shoulders. Balanced body and correct topline, his movement was true & sound. Although on the day felt he just lacked the purposeful drive of 1st 3rd:SAMSON, Mr & Mrs G & S & SAMSON Ms J Shasgav You’ve Been Framed All three males had much to commend them.

PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: SAMSON, Mr & Mrs G & S & SAMSON Ms J Shasgav Sound Of Silence All quality & at 8 mths old such a confident & outgoing showgirl who caught my eye straight away. Lovely head feminine with correct ear shape, carriage & expression. Super neck & shoulders, She looked a picture of balance. Standing on good feet & just right for bone. Correct topline and well set, tail. Excellent presentation coat & condition. Owning the ring,& striding out she moved true with style & vigour & her temperament & type ensured my undivided attention Needless to say. I was totally smitten by her & I’m sure she has a very bright future ahead of her I wish her all the best for a successful show career..BB & BPIB



OB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: TOBIJANSKI Mrs W Janski Ultra Violet Lovely feminine, outlook with a beautiful outline both standing & on the move. Has type in abundance with super head proportions correct set ears, carried well, good ribbing & well-angled fore & aft. Good bone and feet.Like the open dog winner her litter brother she too possessed super ground covering movement, but in the challenge just lacked the enthusiasm & verve of the puppy bitch winner. RBB 2nd: TAYLOR Mrs P E’french Connection Du Champ D’eole Via Polede Rising 8-year-old bitch excellent breed type. She has such a lovely head & expression. Correct topline & super muscled hindquarters with a good second thigh. Although sound on the move she gave her handler a hard task getting her to co-operate. My notes say “a real diva” she pressed hard for 1st place.

Michelle Elizabeth Barnett (Brockfox)


Bournemouth 2017 - Judge Tom Johnston

Class 625 PD/B (3 Entries) Abs: 1
 1st: 1883 ENGLAND, Mrs L & BURRAGE Mrs L Shasgav Nothin Else Matters By Ashleyheath.  Very nice youngster of good type. Good length in the head, good stop neat well placed ears. Moderate neck in to good body of medium length. Liked bone and overall balance. Needs time to fill in the picture which will come in time. Covered ground well with good positive action. BP
 2nd: 1887 SAMSON, Mr & Mrs G & S & SAMSON Ms J Shasgav Sound Of Silence. Another very nice exhibit who was close to winner,also liked the head proportions and expression, good ears, moderate neck and good body shape, quality bone and also presented in good condition. Moved well but on final run winner more together for me in profile today.

Class 626 JD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0
 1st: 1881 BURRAGE Mr D & Mrs L Komidion Prima Donna:  Good head shape and eye, well placed ears and nice expression, adequate neck into well assembled front. Good length of body and legs not too long. Another with good tail, feet and coat. Covered ground with steady gait and has lots to like, just needs more time to mature into the required finished article.

Class 627 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
 1st: 1885 LEWIS Mrs J Janski Philosopher Dajaces. Masculine head but balanced , dark eye and good ears, good body shape and well developed rear. Moved with good reach and held a nice outline. Presented in good coat and condition

Class 628 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
 1st: 1889 SAMSON, Mr & Mrs G & S & SAMSON Ms J Shasgav You’ve Been Framed. Good head shape and eye, well placed drop ears, good neck and body shape. Like the body length to length of leg proportions. Was in good condition and also had good tail set. Presented in coat of good silky sheen. Moved with good steady gait and holds a nice picture. Res BD
 2nd: 1886 LEWIS Mrs J Ridley Xanto For Dajaces Sh.CM. Another masculine head with good eye and ears, good neck and body shape. Quality bone and good feet, good coat texture and moved freely but felt winner had a bit more drive and front reach today.
 3rd: 1890 TAYLOR Mrs P Janski Ossie Jones At Polede

Class 629 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
 1st: 1884 ENGLAND, Mrs L & BURRAGE Mrs L Ashleyheath’s Black Thunder.  Masculine head of good length with good skull, eye and expression. Well placed ears of good shape, moderate neck into well assembled front, good rib and length of body. Good bone and length of leg. Well-developed rear and in very good body condition. Presented in coat of good texture and moved with good brisk action holding a balanced shape. BD BOB



Class 632 OB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
 1st: 1891 TAYLOR Mrs P E’french Connection Du Champ D’eole Via Polede (Imp). Feminine balanced head with good ears. Medium strong neck with well laid shoulder, good rib and length, well angled rear. Good legs and feet and presented in coat of good texture. Moved over the ground with a steady positive brisk action. Holds a balanced and typy picture. BB BV
 2nd: 1882 BURRAGE Mr D & Mrs L Komidion Night Music At Sametova Sh.CM. Another quality girl with head of good shape and well placed ears. Good neck into good body shape and also had good bone and presented in good coat and condition. Moved with pleasing steady action, close to winner Res BB.


Ladies Kennel Association 2017

Judge: Mr J Ashe

Best Dog: Mrs P TAYLOR’S Janski Ossie Jones at Polede
Best Bitch: Mrs P TAYLOR’S E’French Connection du Champ d’Eole via Polede (IMP FRA)
Best Veteran: Mrs P TAYLOR’S E’French Connection du Champ d’Eole via Polede (IMP FRA)
BEST OF BREED: Mrs P TAYLOR’S E’French Connection du Champ d’Eole via Polede (IMP FRA)

Puppy Dog Absent

Junior Dog No Entries

Post Graduate Dog No Entries

Limit Dog Absent

Open Dog
1st Mrs P TAYLOR’S Janski Ossie Jones at Polede

Veteran Dog No Entries

Good Citizen Dog No Entries

Puppy Bitch Absent

Junior Bitch Absent

Post Graduate Bitch Absent

Limit Bitch No Entries

Open Bitch Absent

Veteran Bitch
1st Mrs P TAYLOR’S E’French Connection du Champ d’Eole via Polede (IMP FRA)

Good Citizen Bitch No Entries


Midland counties 2017

Judge: Mr C Richardson

Best Dog: Mrs L BURRAGE & Mrs L ENGLAND’S Ashleyheath’s Black Thunder
Res Best Dog: Mr G, Mrs S & Ms J SAMSON’S Shasgav You’ve Been Framed ShCM
Best Bitch: Mr D & Mrs L BURRAGE’S Vandell Sweet Song of Sametova ShCM
Res Best Bitch: Mr G, Mrs S & Ms J SAMSON’S Shasgav Sound Of Silence
Best Puppy: Mrs L ENGLAND’S Ashleyheath Koruna Kash
BEST OF BREED: Mr D & Mrs L BURRAGE’S Vandell Sweet Song of Sametova ShCM
Puppy Dog
1st Mrs L ENGLAND’S Ashleyheath Koruna Kash

Junior Dog No Entries/Absent

Post Graduate Dog
1st Mrs L ENGLAND’S Ashleyheath’s Blackenrain

Open Dog
1st Mrs L BURRAGE & Mrs L ENGLAND’S Ashleyheath’s Black Thunder
2nd Mr G, Mrs S & Ms J SAMSON’S Shasgav You’ve Been Framed ShCM
3rd Mrs W TOBIJANSKI’S Janski Miloslav

Puppy Bitch
1st Mrs W TOBIJANSKI’S Janski Cariad

Junior Bitch
1st Mr G, Mrs S & Ms J SAMSON’S Shasgav Sound Of Silence
2nd Mrs L BURRAGE & Mrs L ENGLAND’S Shasgav Nothin Else Matters by Ashleyheath

Post Graduate Bitch
1st Mr P JACKSON & Mr P WILLIAMS’ Euphoriastaff Celeste at Wheerypoint
2nd Mr D & Mrs L BURRAGE’S Komidion Prima Donna of Sametova
3rd Mr G, Mrs S & Ms J SAMSON’S Shasgav My Immortal

Open Bitch
1st Mr D & Mrs L BURRAGE’S Vandell Sweet Song of Sametova ShCM


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The Cesky Terrier Club

Information and news for the Cesky Terrier
